ServiceLink Flood goes beyond simply providing accurate Flood Zone Determinations. We will tailor additional services to fit the demands of your organization.

Basic Flood Determination
A guaranteed flood zone determination (FZD) that provides all the required FEMA flood map and community participation status information.
Life of Loan Flood Zone Determination
A guaranteed FZD that provides all the required FEMA flood map and community participation status information. The FZD is monitored for FEMA flood map revisions and community participation status changes for the term of the loan to maintain compliance with federal regulations and secondary market guidelines. Additionally, SLF's life of loan FZDs are transferable between servicers.
A borrower’s notification letter is included with a FZD for properties located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).
HMDA Information
SLF uses geocoding software in conjunction with reliable property location techniques to ensure compliance with the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA). We provide the four required elements: Census Tract, Metropolitan Statistical Area, County Code, and State Code. HMDA information can be ordered with a FZD or independently in batch format.
SLF will monitor existing portfolio loans for flood map revisions, which satisfies the lender’s requirement to track changes of flood insurance status. We will notify the lender if the flood hazard or community participation status changes for loans in the portfolio.
Life of Loan Conversion
SLF can assign life of loan tracking to flood zone determinations performed by third party vendors. We will assume responsibility for updating flood zone information on the entire portfolio, which eliminates vendor management concerns and provides a comprehensive guarantee for all loans in the portfolio.
SLF has strategic alliances with several flood insurance companies to provide insurance policies, tracking, and forced-placement services (flood insurance obtained by the lender on behalf of the borrower for properties located in an SFHA).
Elevation Certificates
The Elevation Certificate is a NFIP tool used to provide elevation information necessary to determine the proper insurance premium rates and to support requests for Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) or Letter of Map Revision based on fill (LOMR-F) for post-FIRM properties. SLF offers an easy and convenient online solution for ordering Elevation Certificates for properties throughout the United States; delivery is quick and prices are competitive.
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